Sold [USA] [H] Spider-Man PS4 bundle (has original box) with Red Dead 2 (PS4), Detroit Become...

Discussion in 'Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by /u/hecticfool, 2/13/19.

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  1. /u/hecticfool

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    I have a Spider-Man bundle 1 TB Slim PS4 that I am selling packaged with Red Dead 2, Spider-Man, Detroit Become Human and Uncharted 4. The console was only played twice and still has the original packaging. I am asking $330 for the PS4 bundle with all games included.

    I am also selling a Rock Band 4 (PS4) band bundle that includes the drum-kit and two Fender Strat guitars as well as the game itself. I am asking $350 for the Rock Band 4 bundle.

    Comment or PM if you have any questions! Thank you!

    # #/hecticfool
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