Sold [USA] [H] PS4, PS3 Games [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/LadyoftheMoonlight, 4/12/24.

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  1. /u/LadyoftheMoonlight

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    Just a few things I'm trying to rehome. Individual items ship for $6. I'd have to get a quote for bundles. All are in original cases; the PS4 games are like new, the PS3 are good.

    FFVII Remake PS4, unopened: $40

    Persona 5 (original) Steelbook PS4: $20

    Ni no Kuni 2 PS4: $15

    Horizon Zero Dawn PS4: $20

    Ghost of Tsushima PS4: $20

    God of War 3 PS3: $10

    Skyrim PS3: $10

    # #/LadyoftheMoonlight
    # .
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