Sold [USA][H] PayPal || [W] Pokémon Sword (Switch), PS VITA system + games

Discussion in 'Pokemon Sword and Shield Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/_Anthropophobiac_, 11/17/19.

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  1. /u/_Anthropophobiac_

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    Hey all,

    Looking to pick up a couple things at the moment-

    • First off, I’m hoping to pick up a PS Vita system. I don’t have a specific model in mind, so willing to entertain all offers. Post what you have and how much you’re wanting for it! I’d also love to pick up some games with it. Specifically looking for Final Fantasy X and Danganronpa, but open to other offers as well.
    • I’m also looking to possibly pick up a copy of Pokémon Sword depending on the price.

    Thanks in advance!

    # #/_Anthropophobiac_
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