Sold [USA][H] Axiom Verge Multiverse Ed. (Switch) Furi Indiebox Edition (PC) Nintendo 2ds, Forza...

Discussion in 'Forza Horizon Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/_Anthropophobiac_, 10/18/19.

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  1. /u/_Anthropophobiac_

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    Hey all,

    Welcome to the Garage Finds Edition of #/gamesale for today. I stumbled upon a box full of forgotten items in my garage, so I figured I’d try and offload them here since I’ve no need for them at this time. Off to a more appreciative home! Keep in mind that I’m unsure of pricing for some of these, so I’ll definitely entertain offers as well. All prices include shipping!

    • Furi Indiebox Edition (PC) (All goodies included, download card included but has already been redeemed - - $40/offer (I have no idea how much this is worth)
    • Axiom Verge: Multiverse Edition (Switch) (CiB - all goodies included. The outer cardboard box is a bit creased, but otherwise good condition - -$37
    • Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition (PS4) (Sealed) - $15
    • The Evil Within 2 (PS4) - $17
    • Resident Evil 4 (PS4) - $14
    • Red Nintendo 2ds system, charger + stylus included - $50
    • Forza Edition Xbox One controller. (The battery cover isn’t the original and it’s a bit dusty from sitting in a box, but otherwise it’s in great condition). - $45

    Pics of 2ds and Controller here-

    Oh, and I mentioned this in my last post. I have no idea how’d I’d go about shipping it, but I’d figure it out if anyone wants it:

    Thanks for looking, post if interested!

    # #/_Anthropophobiac_
    # .
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