Sold [USA-GA] [H] RDR2, battlefield 1 enlisters, horizon zero dawn, GTA5[W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Red Dead Redemption 2 RDR2 Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by /u/duckwall, 12/27/18.

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  1. /u/duckwall

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    Hey everyone, got an unexpected day off today, and my switch comes in tommorow, so getting rid of the ones I dont play, so I can go get some switch games. If someone responds soon, I can get them shipped Immediately, I live .5 miles from the post office. So, to the important bit.

    Zero Dawn complete edition- 12 bucks shipped

    GTA 5 - 20 bucks shipped

    RDR2- 45 shipped

    Battlefield 1 Enlisters edition- 15 shipped.


    If you want everything, ill cut you a deal, post here before PMing. Im totally fine using G&S but that fee is on you, I have plenty of confirmed trades in other subs.

    # #/duckwall
    . .
    #1 /u/duckwall, 12/27/18
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