Sold US Starter Account - 800 Gold 535 Dust Some Legends, 18 epics, 91 rares - CHEAP

Discussion in 'Hearthstone Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Eternal4U, 12/15/19.

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  1. Eternal4U

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    I have a good starter account I am looking to sell as I am moving on from Hearthstone back to Eternal TCG.

    The account is a good way to give yourself a boost toward # relevant decks and whatever else you wish to accomplish in Hearthstone as opposed to starting completely fresh. This account has mainly been used to enjoy Arena/go infinite. It has some constructed play through Quest Hunter last season where I went to rank 6. The account includes:

    800 Gold
    535 Dust
    5 Galakronds
    Hunter Legends x2 : Unseal the Vault, Halazzi, the Lynx
    Shaman Legends x1 : Nithogg

    Epics: 18
    Class Rares: 71 (Hunter, Shaman, and Mage were most utilized)
    Neutral Rares: 20

    Some expansions have not been opened to the point of receiving the guaranteed legendary within 10 packs. I also didn't do the solo content so free packs can still be earned through there. This was just a new account created to play Arena and continue going infinite. Once Descent of Dragons launched I have a waning interest.

    Arena Wins: 212
    Current Rank: 11

    Mostly played Hunter in Ranked @ 84 wins towards Golden. Most other classes are 30ish into Golden progress from Arena play.

    That is about all there is on this account. A good starting point as opposed to beginning new. Feel free to message me with any questions. The blizzard account attached only includes a Hearthstone account - no worries on recall. You buy it, it's yours.

    Asking Price: $30

    Thanks for looking!
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