Selling  US server Xyr Top 50 Account 500+ FP daily 400%+ Attack 150%+ Defense

Discussion in 'Forge of Empires Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Mr_SmithPU, 9/11/19.

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  1. Mr_SmithPU

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    Selling account on Xyr US server, have two other cities that are diamond farms with wishing wells/fountain of youths (Iron age and Future).

    Top 50 Account with 500+ daily FP to work on leveling great buildings quickly and plenty of attack to run through Guild expedition and fighting if that's your thing.
    Good account for someone wanting to jump into the game and enjoy the while working on leveling the other great buildings that suite their play style.
    Selling because I no longer have the time to play much.

    Space Age Mars tech fully unlocked
    500+ daily FP
    Have all good event buildings built at top level
    5k+ in Diamonds on account
    420% Attack and 150% Defense (attack great buildings at level 49, 28, and 28. plenty of room to increase)
    City defense at 46% Attack and 835% defense

    23 Great Buildings
    lvl.80 Arc all other important Great builds are level 50+ including Cape, Arctic Organery, Chateau, Kraken, and Blue Galaxy.

    10k+ in stored Fp
    900M+ coins
    150M+ Supplies
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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