Selling   US seller! Massive resources and Gem for sale.

Discussion in 'Lords Mobile Gems for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by kidzkw, 8/14/18.

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  1. kidzkw

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    I will mostly be around between 9am-midnight Eastern time. Aiming to provide fast and economic gem and resources just for you!.

    Now, I can be contacted in many ways:

    Email: [email protected]

    line: bostonian123

    Wechat: xiaolee12345

    1. You can not buy gems directly, only items that can be bought with gems(speedups, shields, war tomes, brave hearts etc.)
    2. In order to gift you the wanted item for your gems, we need to be in the same guild. Thus, you need to be able to invite people into your guild or leave guild to join another one.
    3. During guild fest, you may leave without affecting your guild fest works/score if you do not have an on-going guild fest quest.

    Rate per 10k gems depends on your current might:

    Under 500m: $5.5

    Under 400m: $5

    Under 300m: $4.5

    Under 200m: $4

    Under 100m: $3.5

    Above 500m: Please inquiry, limited quantity

    1. All rss listed is after taxed!
    2. Shipping resources to you may take quite some time depending on how much you are getting, please plan accordingly.

    rates for 1B Resource:

    -Wood/Stone/Ore: $20

    -Gold: $60

    Minimum order will be $40! Otherwise, there will be a $5 extra delivery fee.

    5% off if you spend $100 and more!
    10% off if you spend $200 and more!
    We offer loyalty # as well!

    Accept Paypal and Venmo!

    Delivery Note:
    Deliveries will be done within 10min on a pre-arranged schedule agreed by buyer and seller, the time needed for the process of delivering resources does not count.
    Buyer must be online at the time of delivery to accept guild joining request or must be in the designated guild selected by the seller. Seller will not be responsible for the delays should the buyer fails to comply since it would not be possible to ship out ordered items unless delivering account is in the same guild as the buyer's account.
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