I have not played the game for half a year. account have 4 character - premium 152sc DLC : Lightning Strikes, The Battle For Earth, The last laugh, Hand of Fate 1st - main : Gadget dps/troll , superspeed, lex lutor, full 89cr 122 sp full t4 pve on 2 role; 65cr pvp, 100k escrow, have all rare items ex?ept captain cold head and 1h scarecrow, have many plan IV 2nd - twin : Nature heal, Joker, Fly; 79cr 3 - twin : Sorc heal, Fly, Joker; 50cr 4 - twin hero side (2.6 million escrow) all twin have many xobit in invertory I can provide proof in the form of screenshots for good buyers Prise for start 80$ skype : vovan4eg-skype prise 70$