Sold US PC 4 chars 290SP+, 207CR+, All DLCs

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MikeShinoda, 11/26/17.

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  1. MikeShinoda

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    Selling another US PC account (multichar (all 4 has high-end sp and high-end CR)), that has 294 SP, 211 CR (max stats) and 1 material on one char: Void.
    Also a bunch of auras on every character, such as Dark Flame, Corrupted, Green/Red/Yellow lantern aura and more.
    Every char has at least 2 armories, some of them has 3. Each base is cool-styled with some really rare base items.
    207-211 CR moded with previous DLC mods, also base mods is maxed too.
    Bank slots is maxed out, same with inventory slots. A lot of marketplace items has been bought, such as Aura packs, BvS emblems and some Style Items.
    Every DLC BOUGHT, so you aren't forced to pay membership.
    I'm asking for 300 USD for it, price can be # tho. Paypal payment.
    You can contact me via Email: [email protected] or via PM in here.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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