Sold US Partner Required

Discussion in 'All Other Game Services for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Hack Forums -, 12/20/19.

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  1. Hack Forums -

    Hack Forums -
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    Hey guys,

    I am looking for a partner who is over 18 and has a facebook. ad account (created in the US)

    I want to scale up a Shopify store but I am currently living in a country where I have to pay around 20% Goods and service tax on the facebook. ad spend + heavy currency conversion fees etc

    These things are eating the profit margins by a lot. US ad accounts don't have to pay any VAT or GST on top of ad spend which is what I am after

    It's also a good opportunity for someone who is interested in ecom/Shopify and wants to see and learn how to scale a product via facebook. ads since I will be scaling it in your ad account.

    Let me know if someone is interested.
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