Sold [US-OH] [H] PS5/PS4/PS3 games [W] PayPal, Venmo

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/SergeantBubbles7, 12/19/24 at 6:52 PM.

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  1. /u/SergeantBubbles7

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    Prices are shipped PPGS. Orders over $20 only, please. If not listed, game is sold.


    Wreckfest: $20

    Foreclosed: $10

    Rustler: $10

    In Sound Mind: $10

    Diablo 4: $20

    XIII: $17

    Final Fantasy XVI: $28

    Lego Skywalker Saga Deluxe (no minifig, slight damage): $20

    Dead Space Remake: $28

    Unicorn Overlord (sealed): $35

    Ikai: $35

    Sonic Frontiers: $15

    Fort Solis: $16


    Call of Duty Modern Warfare: $10

    R6S: free with purchase

    Dead By Daylight: $10

    Ghostrunner (JPN, sealed): $60

    Blasphemous (sealed): $100

    Demon Pit (sealed): $40


    SSX on Tour (Xbox): free with purchase

    Tony Hawk Project 8 (Xbox): $8

    NCAA football 13 PS3 (damaged cover art): $10

    MK v. DC: $8

    Tenchu Wrath of Heaven Disc/manny (PS2): $8

    The Amazing Spider-Man (PS3, disc only): $15

    Thanks for looking! All # and pics by request.

    # #/SergeantBubbles7
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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