Sold US NON SEASON PARAGON 3265+ TOP DH/BARB + ALL CLASSES + 20 Pets + Over 1000+ Bounty Mats

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Karlos, 3/9/20.

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  1. Karlos

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    Account Ready to Patch 2.6.8
    PROFILE - Giant#21242 - Community - Diablo III
    SCREENSHOTS - Diablo 3 - Album on Imgur
    If you see actual screenshots just write me and I'll send them to you;
    20 Pets + Frame + Unique transmogs + Pennant.

    *All actual classes in 2.6.8 (10 characters boost up to 70 lvl: (2 dh + 2 wiz + 2 monk + 2 barb + cruz + wd);
    *All the characters are equipped in actuals builds, you can play for any of them;
    *Very many materials (You can do any thing in the cube or make any build).

    I am original owner of the account;
    Never ban/recalled/#/stolen or has received violation warnings;
    You can change free battle tag (you nickname);
    email can be changed;
    Full info acc;
    100% guarantee;
    Fast delivery;
    more than 235 positive feedback on playerup;
    *Post-sales support.

    All Characters:
    *DH (Impale), TOP ANCIENT GEAR + Caldessan Despair 92+ lvl;
    Ready to push solo GR 120+ or Group game: GR 130+ and Fast T16 or bounties;
    *DH (Natalya), TOP ANCIENT GEAR + Caldessan Despair 102+ lvl;
    Ready to push solo GR 120+ or Group game: GR 130;
    *DH (Multishot), TOP ANCIENT GEAR + Caldessan Despair 100+ lvl;
    Ready to push solo GR 120+ or Fast T16 or bounties;
    +++All Ancient sets and many top Gear for DH;
    *Barb (Wastes), TOP ANCIENT GEAR + Caldessan Despair 100+ lvl;
    Ready to push solo GR 120+ or Group game: GR 130+ and Fast T16 or bounties;
    +++Many top Gear for Barb;
    *Crus (Valor), Ready to push solo GR 110+ or Group game: GR 120+ and Fast T16 or bounties;
    *Wiz (Vyr), Ready to push solo GR 110+ or Group game: GR 120+ and Fast T16 or bounties;
    *WD (Zuni), Ready to push solo GR 110+ and Fast T16;
    *Monk (Sunwuko), Ready to push solo GR 110+ and Fast T16;
    *Barb Support TOP ANCIENT GEAR + Caldessan Despair 100+ lvl; (Group game fast 120+ and push 130+);
    *Monk Support (Group game fast 120+ and push 130+);
    *++++++Many top gear for all classes.
    Main Gems: 100+
    Crafting materials (white - 48000; blue - 149000+; yelow - 248000+);
    Forgotten Souls 102000+;
    Death's Breath 84000+;
    Ramaladni's Gift 371+;
    Bounty mats 1025-1922+;
    Have a reserve for caldessanning - 80+ gems 100+ (lvl);
    +++ much everything else.

    PS: If you are considering buying this account or any other, but you want some more info like gear screenshots or whatever you can contact me via private message. I also have many other accounts (season 19 eu/season 19 us/non season eu/non season us, paragon 1000-5500+, different classes and good price. Just write me.

    - Price: 140 USD
    - Payments: paypal friend payment/gift payment or playerup - helldamager's Store | playerup
    - Discord: Karlos#2889
    - Skype: Machete Karlos
    - Mail:[email protected]
  2. PlayerUp

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