Willing to trade my US LOTRO premium account for lifetime The Secret World Account. Will take even empty account w/o any characters, just need lifetime sub. Expansions: - Mines of Moria - Siege of Mirkwood - Rise of Isengard (40$ heroic edition pre-order) - Riders of Rohan (70$ legendary edition pre-order) Have every single quest-pack, every skirmish (except 2 - Stand On Amon Sul & Ford Of Bruienen) Have 6 open characters and 2 blocked characters (coz of not VIP atm) Open: 1. champion 75 man (weaponsmith guild maxed) 2. minstrel 75 hobbit (scholar guild maxed) 3. warden 55 elf (metalsmith guild started) 4. burglar 51 hobbit (tailor guild maxed) 5. rune-keeper 45 elf (jeweller guild maxed) 6. hunter 33 dwarf (woodworker guild maxed) Blocked: 7. Lore-master 8 man 8. captain 8 man If interested pst me .;