Sold [US] [H] PS2 Slim + Time Crisis 3 Guncons + GOW 2, Aftermarket controller and cables [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Other Game Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/HerrPfannkuchen, 8/22/24.

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  1. /u/HerrPfannkuchen

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    ■ SOLD ! ■

    Received from a friend years ago, has been sitting in my closet since. I bought the aftermarket controller, cables and GOW 2 afterward.

    PS2 console and Guncons are in excellent condition, little to no wear at all.

    Asking $220 shipped for the lot, anywhere in Continental US. Open to Negotiation

    •PS2 Slim console

    •Aftermarket wired controller and cables

    •God Of War 2

    •Time Crisis with 2 Guncons

    Thanks for your interest !

    # #/HerrPfannkuchen
    # .
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