Selling US East | Evie 67lvl (+8 Valor Lionoteeth)...

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vindictus Accounts - Buy and Sell, 3/4/16.

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  1. Vindictus Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    US East | Evie 67lvl (+8 Valor Lionoteeth) + Fiona 50lvl Old account, 2011 reg date. I don't play this game for about 3 or 4 years, so yeah, Evie is pre-season 2 character. I haven't seen any of S2 content. It's collecting dust anyway, so I want to sell it. Have some old event items, lots of materials (ores, crystals, leathers etc.), some expensive drops as 6x colru nucleus and (some time ago ) beokros crystal. 21m in the inventory plus a lot of loot which will cost at least 50m summarily. Maybe even more. +8 Valor Lionoscythe wep. Full Ingkells set +3-5 and wonderland set +3, each set in same color style. Also free 20k AP. You can contact me with email [email protected] or skype ren.malkavian write something if u choose skype so I will not confuse you with bot or spammer. More SS in Ingkells set
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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