Sold US account | Original Owner | Bloodthirsty title | Keystone hero | Honor level 346 | all classes ava

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (US)' started by zmishe23, 12/1/24.

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  1. zmishe23

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    Info of Account

    Original Owner game account. The account includes the following:

    The World of Warcraft account is upgraded to Dragonflight. The War Within has not been installed. Characters pictured above are (left to right) - Warrior, warlock, priest, Monk, Paladin, Hunter, Mage, Shaman; all level 70.

    Death knight, Rogue, Demon Hunter, Evoker , Druid

    Corresponding alliance characters are available on the Alleria realm at level 45

    I mainly used the account for unrated pvp and Mythic + The warrior finished last season above 2500

    Notable accomplishments include:

    Allied Race unlocks Honor Level 346All "Prestigious" honor mounts

    Bloodthirsty title, Challenger, Soloist, Dragonflight Seasons 3 & 4 keystone hero

    Champion of the Dragonflights, 2s-1750,

    3s-1550, RBGs-1500 (First Seargent)

    Many desirable mounts and skins. The account is exhalted with 86 factions.

    92 Titles-including

    The Faceless One title
    The Bloodthirsty title
    Champion of the Dragonflights
    Prestigious Titles and toys
    The Conqueror" title-Horde
    The Justicar" title-Alliance

    420 total mounts

    536 unique battle pets

    All legion class order campaigns have been completed. Many artifact appearances, class hall skins, and pvp looks have been collected. Typical class skins are as follows:

    Demon Hunter
    Death Knight

    The account will include approximately 100,000 gold as well as approximately 600 pvp honor tokens that can be used to purchase additional pvp appearances,

    items, etc. Much of the time put into this account has been on the grind. Time consuming accomplishements like collections, profession achieves,

    and honor levels have been completed. There is still room to grow this account. A few rated pvp and raid achievements would really make the account pop and add a ton of value.

    Feel free to message for additional info. Happy gaming




    WHY US ?

    All our accounts are. We do not sell any stolen accounts.

    We sell many accounts at very CHEAP price compared to other stores.

    Username & Password is changeable.

    Don't be shy to contact me to ask about anything!

    More Info of Account




















































































    #1 zmishe23, 12/1/24
    Last edited: 12/3/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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