Pm how many you want PayPal only WTT SICK 96 Archer (Archon/Zian) for Gracia/Stull youtube/watch?v=6RXOpk7PVXI Uniques: 2 int. Shuta: 9% and 8% Resistance 1 int. Luke: Level 6 ele cloak 1 int. Kark: Level 4 ele cloak 1 Glorious Shocker: Level 3 stamina 1 Monarch's pendant: 5/5 (4 Level 3 staminas + level 3 ele cloak) 1 Biglos Necklace 0/1 Gear: Chronochaser cap: +20 all stats/9% ele res (1/1 Scion) Poison Armor: 4/4 (level 5 res, lvl 6 stamina, 2/2 Scion) Mars Armpads (2% skill cast): 2/2 Scion Poison boots: 2/2 scion Pants of robindole (12% res, HP +170, 3% gold): 2/3 (level 6 physical res, lvl 6 SB) Mega Inferno Bow: +1 all skills +30 dmg +10 ele dmg 4% chance to strike for 130% 4/4 scions Eternal Crown Boots: 2/2 scion Light dominion tasset 3/3: Level 6 res, 2/3 scion In CC: 2 serazarans 3 200% talis 4 100% talis Tons of lens + combis/giants/agilities 120,000 + Charisma on the Archer (Comes with e-mail) __________________________________________________ __________________________ Separate account: 7x sorc ALOT of 200% talis TONS of CC pots Some pretty good CF And alot of CF to be sold on that character. LOOKING for anything on Gracia or Stull (preferably SORC) WTB HH armor for Sorc server urzark titel say what i need [EU2]WTS/WTT Bracelets of Delphin As the title says, i sell Mage HH Armpads Lv 90. I have 2 of them. Both are (0/2). I accept scrolls, materials or items such as uniques or something. Just post me ur offers PriceCheck Eu3/Urzark Archer