Hey. Im looking for some swash items: elite rapier lvl92 +1 skills good stats hh dagger lvl90 5%+crit hh jacket lvl90 4/4 lvl6 stones wts zerk lvl 100 wts zerk lvl 100 on giahon / urzark luke lvl 2 phionex no rings full cf with no extra stats + 1 axe dmg 22 / 2% crit light dmg 4/7 ashtal some crap wp items and 7 days wings on/off tell me offers [URZARK - EU3] WTB / WTT / WTS ( 1 2) Hello WTS: Glorious Sentinel Ring 0/1 Glorious Rapid Ring 0/1 Glorious Norgen Necklace Might Lv 6 Faren Necklace 0/1 2x Ring of Bellos 0/1 Zian WTB WTB: Excellent Faren Excellent Sentinel gaudius 0/3 or 3/3 pm me, or /w Witch3r in game WTT ranger lvl 89, ranger lvl 75, knight 103..