Selling  Europe  Verified  $1-$100 Earned  1-5 Jobs  1-10 Hours Worked Upwork Verified account to rent for developer **VIP package** All included

Discussion in 'Upwork Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by alexuberbuber, 5/22/24.

  1. alexuberbuber

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    Hello, my dear friend!

    I have a fully verified Upwork account and I'm looking for a developer to rent it to. I am the owner of the account and would like to receive a percentage of your profits.

    My conditions are as follows:

    • To start working, there is a $70 advance payment for the first month.
    • From the second month onwards, I will take 10% of the profits.
    I am from Ukraine, so I kindly ask account brokers not to bother me. I will only work with a real developer.

    The account has one completed task as a contractor and one completed task as a customer.
    Money was also withdrawn without problems and withdrawal methods were verified.

    Additionally, I have LinkedIn and Payoneer accounts.
    I will also consider lice suggestions

    I hope to establish a long-term partnership and earn a lot of money together.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    simashkevych likes this.