Level 80 (one more structure upgrade will be levelled to level 81) High-end account currently in Top 1 alliance in the game Current offense units can defeat almost all fully maxed bases in the game * Top Heavy units - Overlord, Paladin, Centurion (all maxed except weapon tech at lvl10-14) * Top Light units - Grizzy, Terminator (all maxed except Terminator weapon tech at lvl12-13) * Top Infantry units - Dragoon, Ghost, Sentinel (all maxed except Dragoon weapon tech at lvl12) * Top Heli units - Reaver, T129 Atak, Super Hind (all maxed) * Top Fixed Wing units - Raven, Ghostrider, Nemesis, F35A (all maxed except Raven and Nemesis weapon tech at lvl10-11) * All Elite units lvl15 and maxed except weapons tech for Overlord and Nemesis at lvl10-12 * Alpha/Bravo platoon lvl12 Charlie platoon lvl11 * Thorium harvester lvl8 * All metal factory lvl13 * All oil pump lvl12 * All fobs lvl 9 * All platforms upgraded to lvl11 and maxed turrets on all platforms (depends on which turrets using) * Tons of commons and tech in inventory: - Infantry common 99,958 - Light common 131,241 - Heavy common 27,134 - Heli common 138,306 - Fixed Wing common 67,471 - Armor tech 37,829 - Crew tech 58,554 - Systems tech 13,583 - Weapon tech 1,489 - Defense tech 51,711 This account still has more than 200,000 gold left and the monthly subscription recently renewed. Interested please contact Email: [email protected] Discord: Wisely1969#8944