Selling  Android and iOS  High End Updated End game account over 30 +4s has HEAL V (gankoo x2, ulforce x2, jes)

Discussion in 'Digimon Links Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Malcon, 6/4/18.

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  1. Malcon

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    If you want an updated screen, have some other question, or interested in buying the account, do not hesitate to communicate with me.

    This is an Endgame Account with Many + 4, Major Leadership Skills, Legacy Skills, Entries, Fragments and Much More!

    Have enough frags to make another Gankoo and Ulforce
    Have 21 frags to make Jesmon just hope to get a good base with a leader

    +4 Gankoomon (ST): Thunder Resist, Major HP, Heal I (DNA 1) 9/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 UlforceVeedramon (ST): Dark Resist, Major Speed, Drain Attack V (DNA 1) 8/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Examon: Thunder Resist, Boost to Def when HP Low (DNA 1) 7/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Millenniummon: Dark resist, Major Accuracy 7/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 LordKnightmon (ST): Fire Resist, Major S ATK Hydrokinesis V 7/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 LordKnightmon (ST): Light Resist, No leader Paralyze 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Leviamon: Fire Resist, Major ATK, POISON 7/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Beelzemon: Light Resist, Major ATK, SKILL LOCK 8/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Belphemon: Light Resist, Major Speed, POISON 6/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Dynasmon (ST):Dark Resist, NO LEADER, Poison 7/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Leopardmon (ST): Dark Resist, Major ACCURACY 6/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Leopardmon LM: Fire Resist, Major HP 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 TigerVespamon:Nature Resist, Major Crit 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Volcanicdramon (Spd/S.Atk), Light/Dark Resist, Major S Attack 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Omegamon Zwart (ST): Light Resist, Moderate Def 6/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Omegamon Zwart D: Fire Resist, Major Attack 6/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Omegamon Alter B: Light Resist, Major Crit 6/10 Chip slots unlocked (YES I WENT FOR LIGHT RESIST) it was a pain
    +4 Durandamon: Thunder Resist, Major S Attack 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Susanoomon: Dark Resist, minor atk 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Susanoomon: Water Resist, moderate s atk 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Seraphimon: Dark Resist, NO LEADER 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 MegaGargomon: Nature Resist, NO LEADER 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Titamon: Fire Resist, Major Attack 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 Bancholeomon: Fire Resist, Major Speed 5/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 RustTyranamon: Nature Resist minor to s def
    +4 ShineGreymon (Mutant): Dark Resist, Major Attack 6/10 Chip slots unlocked
    +4 ShineGreymon BM: Water Resist, minor def 6/10 Chip slots unlocked

    *New Update 5/30
    +4 Imperialdramon Paladin Mode: Dark Resist,Major HP 7/10 Chip slots unlocked

    *New Update 5/24
    +4 Imperialdramon FM: Dark Resist,Major HP 5/10 Chip slots unlocked

    *Leader Skills:
    2x or more of each Major Leader Skill on Rookies, Champs, Ults, Megas, and some Awakened (Accuracy, Speed, Crit, Attack, S Attack, Def, S Def and HP)

    *Legacy Skills:
    Ultra Paralyz, Skill Lock x2, Poison X4, Sleep x2, Panic x2, Heal I x4, Energy Rush V, Galestorm V, and a bunch of random IVs
    Drain Attack V x2
    Drain Magic V

    *Heal V
    I have 44 ranking tickets for exchange

    Other Notes:
    - All +4 Megas have 10 chip slots
    - Over 400 tickets for frags/friendship
    - Over 1k Fragments
    - 80x chip removers / 30x expansion packs

    "For more information about the account" [email protected]
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  2. PlayerUp

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