This is an unused account that I have on an Android device, it has 9k feathers, 4 orbs, 120 coins and some nice heroes in it, I'm not asking for too much money since I just don't want this account, it is 100% clean from hacks/bans, some of the noticeable heroes it has are: Neutral Brave Lyn 5star Tana +SPD/-DEF 4star Cherche +ATK/-RES (Perfect IVs) 5star Elincia +ATK/-SPD 5star Performing Azura +SPD/-ATK 5star Tharja +ATK/-SPD 5star Lucina which is level 26 And lots of other 4 star heroes such as Sheena, Titania, Frederick, Oscar, Hinata, Nino (with +ATK -RES IVs), Soren, Black Knight, Effie, Kagero, Peri and others. Pictures You can add me on Skype: Rozzmedusa or via Discord: ROZZY#7013
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