Selling  Low End  Europe Unused EU account. Basic account with some bonus.I consider best offers for the next 15days

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by YuriClone501, 12/19/22.

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  1. YuriClone501

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    2022-12-20 19_30_30-World of Warships.jpg 2022-12-20 19_31_54-World of Warships.jpg 2022-12-17 00_33_25-smaller.jpg 2022-12-17 00_23_23-World of Warships.jpg 2022-12-17 00_29_45-World of Warships.jpg 2022-12-17 00_24_03-World of Warships.jpg 2022-12-17 00_20_13-World of Warships.jpg
    Account of my son that he's not playing anymore, he now love flight simulators... he's open to an adequate offer too.

    All the ships are the one you can see in the picture of the Port: it includes a Premium T6 BB Okt Revolutsya and a Premium T10 CA Salem. Jap CV Ruyjo and T8 Shokaku.

    Some ships need to be played to get 750 Coal + Clan bonus before New Year first days.

    Also a nice bunch of Containers to open: 5 Santa Gift, 1 Black Friday Premium, 20 WG ones (each one giving you 1 Day Premium time for a total of 20 day Premium),4 Super Containers and a Mission to get one more SC, and various one with flags, Cammos, Coal and credits or credit bonus.

    It includes almost 27 million credits, 76.500 Coal, 11.145 Doubloons, 4.600 Steel, 386.000 Free XP to grind faster. Plus you'll have coupons to use as your choice to get 25% # on buying Ships with Coal and/or Doubloons valid until June 2023.

    A Combat Missions that will expire in 60 days will give you the choice of another Mega Santa Container or 5 Santa containers as final reward plus 3 days Premium

    In the Inventory there are also many Cammos, quite a number of Credit Bonus and signal Flags. Plus various free upgrade modules to mount on ships of your choice.

    Only Paypal payment as one time donation. (Price is related to Dollar --> Euro exchange rate, if you wanna pay in Euro is €42,00)

    There is no phone number attached to the Account so you can add your own to change the login email to your own. I'll give you the actual account's email and password to access it and change with your data.

    You can send payment first, after that i will release the account information immediately as in this site rules.

    If you have any questions you can send me an mail to [email protected]

    Thank you!

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    #1 YuriClone501, 12/19/22
    Last edited: 12/25/22
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