Sold Unrelated, looking for participants for psychology surveys

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Specialist_Owl2688, 1/28/23.

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  1. /u/Specialist_Owl2688

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    Hi, I am Chua Zhi Shan, a student from HELP University, I'm doing my undergrad thesis in psychology, and due to my lifestyle as a part-time worker and student, I have a problem recruiting participants by simply camping around campus recruiting participants, with the permission and support from the r/GOtrades mods, I'm grateful that I can bring my recruitment here

    My research is about beliefs and personality traits, specifically prejudice and sentimentality. I choose this community because I hope to access a diverse international audience with different mindsets when solving problems (types of gacha gamers). Personally, as an FGO fan, it makes me happy to have FGO players represented in an academic study.

    The survey will be accepting participants till Feb 23, please be assured that the data collected is only known by the researcher and the supervisor. The only data that can identify you as an individual is your gender and age, there is minimal to no risk of someone maliciously identifying your identity. After my paper is graded around April, the collected data will be disposed of.

    While there is no incentive for participation, Im happy to share my findings and methodology after my paper is graded, please send me an email found in the informed consent if you are interested.

    Should you be interested please click on the link below to participate in my study.

    # #/Specialist_Owl2688
    # .
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