Sold Unlinked US Starter accs steam, amazon, or paypal

Discussion in 'Kingsense Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by omegamonanti, 6/6/21.

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  1. omegamonanti

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Account isn't linked/bound at all
    Only did, tutorial battle, first fight

    Acc #1 $10 K, Lust acc
    MR K, UR Gentle x2, UR Bedtime Story x2, UR Rin, UR Chougetsu dupe, UR Particle ACC, MR Mio Dupe, MR Lohja, UR Celebration, UR Ice Cold, UR Superior x2, MR Lust, UR Prequel, UR Leap of Faith

    Acc #2 $5 SOLD
    MR K, MR Lohja, MR Mio, UR Gentle, UR Bedtime Story, MR Cyber Potato, UR Ice Cold, UR Particle ACC, UR Urgent Plan

    Acc #3 $5
    UR Rin, MR Lust, UR Particle ACC x2, dupe UR Muku...

    Unlinked US Starter accs steam, amazon, or paypal
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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