Hello, potential customer! I am a new, unprofessional, and most likely under-aged reseller taking his first steps into the game exchange scene. Today, I'm putting up Hearthstone Closed Beta Keys for the meager price of $4.99. If you're the least bit interested in my money-making pursuits, you can contact me through Skype: DoctorFrolicks or email: [email protected] /* */ I will accept payments in both Paypal and DogeCoin. As mentioned in the title, I will be going first. So if you're looking to scam someone for a free key, now's your chance. (although that's not really appreciated) All I ask of you is to reply to this thread with your skype / email so I'll know you're coming. Cheers and happy hearthstoning. Posting before contacting. Hearthstone is now open beta i dont think this keys will have any value anymore