ULTIMATE FULL LV 60, 1070M GIL(999m in character, 70m in retainer), ALL ZURVAN EX WEAPONS, OMNI CRAF

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Holyslayer, 4/4/17.

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  1. Holyslayer

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    - I'm the original ower! never used bot or #, and the 999m+ gil i got only farming with my crafts, not with gil seller.

    - 11 days of playtime remaining

    - STEAM PC VERSION (you can buy the ps4 version and play if you want)

    - STORMBLOOD EXPANSION EARLY ACESS CODE ACTIVATED! after you buy the acc, i wilsend to you the code to unlock the FULL STORMBLOOD! but remember, if you put this code now, will show "invalid", because we can only use this code to activate at 20th june, the oficial release date for stormblood, no sooner.

    - Behemoth server (one of the most active server in primal datacenter)

    - This account have 999,999,999 GIL! and 70m gil stored in my retainer(TOTAL 1070M GIL) THE ONLY ACCOUNT WITH THIS AMOUNT OF GIL TO SELL HERE! ! 999m is the MAX GIL that you character can hold!(retainers can hold 999m too) you can even sell all this gil if you want. Will show 2 proofs, 1 in chat and the other in retainer menu(withdraw/deposit)



    -Mounts/minions and cards! remember, i spend A LOT OF GIL to buy some minions(2-4m each). This account have the black pegasus mount(purchased for 18m gil). And i farmed cards like a hell(boring grind) there is a LOT of rare cards like Squall, Terra, Warrior of Light, Raubah, Gaius, and much more!



    - ULTIMATE Omni Crafter! you can make ANY ITEM! all crafting classes penta melded! (remember to use seafood stew, the best food for CP and control).

    - Acc ready for 4.0!(stormblood expansion)

    - All classes/jobs at lv 60 (max lv)

    - MNK IL270 and the other jobs IL 250+(you can play with ANY job)

    - 100% ORCHESTRION SONGS COMPLETED! i purchased some songs for 4m(answers, rise of the white raven etc) i spent around 18m(18,000,000) to purchase all songs!

    - Finished all main quest!

    - Hunting log 100% completed for all classes, and maelstrom GC
    - Grand Company Maelstrom lv max with the max seals avaible(80,000) and ALL squadron members at lv max (50)


    - THIS ACCOUNT HAVE ALL ZURVAN EXTREME WEAPONS! THE LASTEST PRIMAL RELEASED! THERE IS NO ACCOUNT HERE SELLING WITH ALL ZURVAN WEAPONS (IL265 weapons for all jobs). you don't need farm weapons anymore! took me exactly 60 zurvan ex kills to obtain all. Here is the screenshot of all zurvan weapons

    - ALL BEAST TRIBE AT MAX RANK!(both ARR+Heavensward)
    - Setzer (ff6) set avaible! i spend 200,000 MGP points to purchase the entire set!
    - THE 3 LEGENDARY GARO PVP EVENT MOUNT IS AVAIBLE! you don't need farm pvp to obtain the mounts!

    GOTEN! http://i.imgur.com/YdJAZ1E.png

    GINGA! http://i.imgur.com/bbnuELm.png

    RAIGO(the hardest one to obtain)! http://i.imgur.com/nSPNjf3.png

    -GARO event pvp sets avaible! i already farmed the WAR,PLD,DRG and NIN sets!( i farmed more sets, just need update the ss) took me 18,000 seals each one(hard grind) here is the SS http://i.imgur.com/Ek6X89c.jpg

    - All Yo-kai event minions, weapons and mounts is avaible! i farmed it like a hell to obtain the final mount, The Whisper A-go-go! you can't obtain it anymore, because the event is over!

    YO-KAI MINIONS http://i.imgur.com/CLr9JpF.png

    YO-KAI RARE MOUNT http://i.imgur.com/7eEmVf3.png

    - 3000+ VENTURES TO USE!(located at retainer inventory)

    - Chocobo rank 15!
    I have all the account information (original owner)

    Q: Why you is selling the account?
    A: Because i will stop play FFXIV FOREVER and focus in my life and offline rpgs( i want stop play MMORPGs).

    Feel free to ask any questions! all account information is safe and remember, i will send to you the STORMBLOOD CODE to you activate at 20th june!.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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