Sold UK EU Software Dev Freelancer Account for Rent High Demand Full KYC

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by devRenting, 8/27/22.

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  1. devRenting

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    My Location:
    1. 24/7 online
    2. Fully verified EU + UK account.
    3. The owner (myself) is a pro software automation engineer. I can do webcam interviews for you. I just don't have time to take on projects myself. You do the work, you do the proposal and I make sure you are connected and get hired through interviews if necessary. Easy for me because I am in software dev too!!!!
    4. Full-time employed now working remotely from home for a big software company, so I don't have time for my freelancing accounts. Rent is now available!
    5. Feel free to change my profile information to suit your technology, full-stack, bio and etc....
    6. Telegram contact - @dp_202
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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