Selling  Europe  High End UK-900k Naruto Online Account Many Good Ninjas with BTs

Discussion in 'Naruto Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Airic, 8/12/23.

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  1. Airic

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    It's a really strong account now and has the potential to be even stronger if you put some time into it. # ninjas like 4* SOSP Naruto, Rin, 4* Madara 5k, 5* Sai [Suit], and more will ensure that you will be prepared for any # in the future and provide you with a large variety of ninjas to make many fun and unique teams. The p1 is 300k alone and has 47k initiative. I maxed out a lot assist link cards, so I could have max assist links across different teams. Despite being 900k, the right team on this account could rival players with 1,5 million power, about a 600k difference. I had a lot of fun making this, but unfortunately I need some money to afford a new pc. I hope whoever decides to buy this has as much fun as I did.
    Those interested can add me on discord: biglucifer or my IG: @airthebear. Naruto Online 8_12_2023 4_39_44 AM.png Naruto Online 8_12_2023 4_38_47 AM.png
    Naruto Online 8_12_2023 4_40_16 AM.png Naruto Online 8_12_2023 4_40_29 AM.png
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