Hey all. I quit the game like 2 months ago so I wanna sell my account. 166k max. BP, 1941 CP, 1100 Ingtos. 326 Scrolls. I used the # team - 5k Madara, Jonin Minato bond skill, GNW Madara/Summer Sakura and Water main. 164k BP with real team. Pos. 1 Almost 60k bp, 13424 Ini, 12k crit and combo. Refine: chest 10, rest 9. Cloths: Exquisite Silk, Go, Fuka, Puppy Wishes, yes master, Speed of Light and Summer break. Battle armor rank 7. Summons: King of Hell and Kirin, all normal gold/purple/blues. tortoise 47/80 Tactic: Ghost Kill 6 Notable Ninjas: 5k Madara, GNW Madara, Jonin Minato 4* and Bond skill. Summer Sakura, Shisui, Anbu Itachi, Edo Deidara, Maskedman, Kushina, Ay 3 and 4. Sus Itachi, 66/80 Edo Hashi, 30/80 Please check screenshots for more infos: WARNING BIG ROSTER PICTURE: If you have any other questions, maybe I forgot to list something fell free to ask. Asking price is $250. but leave offers. My discord: RSK#5292