LEVEL: 711 Ghost $400 SkILLS Energy 2,555 (+179) Stamina 1,060 (+64) Attack 2,626 (+54) Defense 1 (+1) Health 100 (+63) CLASS Class coin amount: 6,603 Sniper level 6 No skills Ghost level 4 Adrenaline rush (+40% Critical hit & Damage) Penetrating shot (Deal 250 true damage to target row. 10% chance at 3x damage) Power Shot (Lvl 3) (20% chance to deal 3x attack) Ghost Tag (Lvl 1) (Attack with 80% chance to tag target which amplifies damage by 8%) Accuracy (Lvl 2) (15% chance to deal 3x critical damage) Precision (Lvl 1) (0.5% increase base damage per win) Veteran (Lvl 5) (All around bonus and points) PROPERTIES Sports arena x5 Restaurant x10 Condo x3 Night club x6 Mansion x3 Casino x3 Caribbean island X1 Bar x3 Safe house x6 Hospital x1 Real estate agency x1 Arms factory x1 Personal armory x2 Boxing gym x1 Steel factory x7 War factory x1 Space program x6 Stock exchange x5 Fortress x8 Science facility x8 Dojo x8 Defense facility x7 Bio lab x8 Lieutenants x77 Insignias x150 If interested Email me [email protected] NOTE: I do not give out my ally code. I will add yours & you can find me in your ally list.