I have a UE account for sale. I'm asking $250. Stats: (Bonuses in brackets) Energy 429 (+20) Stamina 418 (+23) Attack 1187 (+104) Defense 1085 (+33) Health 440 +(9) 73 Lts in all: 3 - 3 star epic maxed - Diablo, Irina and Vanquish 2 - 2 star epics - Sin and King (King is almost maxed sin is at 1) 1 - 4* Tagg 1- 3* Kate, Fox, Sophia Maxed Several other great lts with some maxed some not. This is a solid account and I just have put in a lot of money and want to get something back out of it. It mainly has been a sniper account with lvl 5 veteran Headshot lvl 3 Lucky Shot lvl 1 Concealed shot lvl 1 Mark Target lvl 1 Armor P lvl 3 Invisible lvl 2 k Spree lvl 2 Sureshot lvl 1 Barricaded lvl 3 Ricochet lvl 1 ---------- All income properties at lvl 14 with exception of Island which is lvl 7 Income of 336,855/hr 3500 cc no paks 4 FP currently I can take screen shots and work out the details for the interested buyer.