Selling Twitter?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    Hi how to get more twitter followers without following them back? TIPS!!! ^^


    I dont use twitter, but Im pretty sure you should .. maybe link your twitter in things. Like when you play games, or if you use Facebook., you can post it in your status ..

    Keep tweeting useful stuffs with perfect keywords! It is not just your followers who see your tweet. Your tweet will appear in searches via softwares like Tweetdeck; so when you tweet with good keywords you have good chances of getting more followers. If you spam your follower count will go down as well.

    I never understood Twitter...

    thanks guys!! useful information!

    Originally Posted by Ryan

    I never understood Twitter...

    Twitter is just like status updates on Facebook.. But you can't comment/like. All you can do is reply, by posting a status with the person's @ name at the start of the status (like "@Ryan - good Tweet!" for example).

    You can like a 'posts', just mark it as "favourite post" or something like dat.

    Just find some guides for Twitter, or just try Twitter Blaster Pro.
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