Selling Twitter: @FLUME (FLUME MUSIC)

Discussion in 'Twitter Accounts for Sale - Buy Twitter Account' started by bleed, 12/22/16.

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  1. bleed

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    Twitter handle: FLUME (it can be decapitated as it's five characters, just doing this to prove that it's an L)

    It is a word and also the name of a famous music artist who is a millionaire.

    I don't really like Twitter so I no longer want this account. Not looking for anything crazy but make a mature offer and I may sell this to you. Accepting BTC and PP only, with PP you need to be verified and send as f&f. Show proof of funds before buying.

    C/O: ???...

    Twitter: @FLUME (FLUME MUSIC)
    #1 bleed, 12/22/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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