Selling  Twitch Gift Subs / Tier 1, 2, 3 / Anonymous and Safe

Discussion in 'Twitch Subscribers - Buy Sell Trade' started by thesupercow, 1/22/21.

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  1. thesupercow

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    My Location:
    Selling Legit Twitch Subs


    I can give vouch for old trusted members. If you are old trusted member add me on telegram or discord)

    My prices:

    Tier 1 = 2$
    Tier 2 = 4$
    Tier 3 = 10$

    Quantity and Quality

    I can supply any amount of subs you want and I also offer further discounts for 20+ subs. Its anonymous and completely safe for any streamer.

    Why am i sending GIFT?

    You can't make a profit as a gift. When I send a gift to the channel, the number of viewers of the channel increases. People who buy this from me buy for emote slot, and they buy to increase the number of subscriptions. Money can be chargeback a little chance btw. Viewers can renew the gift subscriptions I threw. if you are partner channel thats good for you. And i can send you a tier 1 2 3 subscription on any channel you want for your own account This is all advantage)

    Payout Proof

    (300$ 20 Sub Gifts Tier 3) = 300$ - successfully paid out with my 200k bits (2000$)

    Contact Details:


    #1 thesupercow, 1/22/21
    Last edited: 1/22/21
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