Selling  Level 80+  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) TWBG all vip acc for Sale (We need Buyers )

Discussion in 'Top War Battle Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Raistar01, 1/8/22.

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  1. Raistar01

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    Hello guys .
    Here is the group link where you can find a plenty of accounts in your budget and requirements .
    Such as Vip 13 in $2k and vip 15 under $4k . vip16 average progress account for just $5K and a very Good vip16 account with 800ee cp and +15t Sandtable attack account for just $12k-15k (Owner spent is more then $100k) .
    Even the Admin had done more then 50+ Deal as Middleman providing the safest way for buyers/sellers .
    Specially for buyers , while many buyers purchase account directly and after seller get his payment they change the login data and also Play with you.
    So Admin provides a full security while taking ACC from seller and secure it for buyer and also confirm that owner have no more access to it .
    Also their charges are fair which all dealers accept .
    If you are looking for any account please join the below Facebook. group and find your desired account now.
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