[Tutorial] [PC/STEAM] Get 3arc clan tag + longer clan tags

Discussion in 'Super Gundam Royale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TDStuart, 5/15/17.

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  1. TDStuart

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    Colored names + clan tags​

    Ok first off this is my first post, and this method is very glitchy, also high chance of getting banned

    Things you will need :
    1. BO3 (lol)
    2. An account
    3. Cheat Engine (Google it :))

    Once you have those things load up BO3 and go to public game menu (Not actual game)
    Then go to menu and change your clan tag to whatever you want.
    Open up cheat engine, select b03 (Top left computer thingy), and set Value Type to String.
    Scan for your clan tag.
    After the scan go back to BO3 and change your clan tag again, go to cheat engine enter your new clan tag and hit Scan Again.
    Select all the resulting values, right click and choose 'Change value of selected address' and enter ^5-- (^5 is the color code and -- is your remaining clan tag)
    After you changed the values click the red arrow to bring all items down.
    Click on all the little boxes under active until they have a red cross in all of them (This freezes the value)
    Now exit out of Public Match, open and close and reopen the menu section and you should see the new clan tag appear.

    Comment for a tutorial video, tell me if it is patched (Will update tutorial immediately), or to let me know you like it! THANKS!
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