[Tutorial] Black ops 3 Colored Classes

Discussion in 'Super Gundam Royale Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by fx666666, 11/3/16.

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  1. fx666666

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    Some of you might know how to do it, some of you might not know. This is just to help anyone that was wondering about it.

    -Cheat Engine
    -A brain

    Alright lets start

    -You will go in the multiplayer classes and change the name of your first class to whatever you want

    - Then you will open CE and put "Value Type" has string

    - You will type the name of your class in there and hit "scan" then you will change the name of your class to something else and look for this class name and hit "Next Scan"

    -You should have 1 or 2 address now

    -You will select the address and change their value to whatever you want with the prefix ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6 ^7^ ^8 ^9 (Dont put all of them only one or 2) and then you put the text you want exemple : ^1I ^4<3 ^5CHEATS

    -Then you freeze the value and copy the class to all the other classes. Restart game to see if it stick and "VOILA"


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