TSW: Dragon Spectro: 10.4-10.5(big gears) heal, tank and DD sets, tons of marks, bullons, have all weapons 10.4. Rifle, Shotgun, Sword 10.5. Full wheel, purple signets (corruption, breaching, thirst, order, vigours, ablation, assassination, criterion up swords etc. all what need to be best in PvP and PvE))) all issues. TOP 10 pvp killer TOP 5 SH matches won. AOC with khitai, turan: 1) CONQ Bl?de(main) 9.8 PVP, 95% AA, 3 ibis swords, (duals and great sword), ?2-?3 pvp gears, khitai sets, and tons of ?2, ?3, ?4, khitai rings, amulets etc. Great KD. Was one of the best PvP carnage conqs (2 eagles than Fury) + my favorite builds 2) Assassin Corax 8(7.99) pvp, full Khitai sets, rings, ?3 weapons, ?3 set, pvp rings, amulets. 85% AA. + DT, Ranger and Necro all with good AA(have all for PvP) and khitai sets etc. 400 USD paypal or card Please send your offers to [email protected] /* */ I am the original owner of this accounts. All Chars have a great reputation on Fury(AOC) and Cerberus (TSW) No cheats, exploits, trash spam never be banned etc. Selling because have a time-social issues. .; bump - - - Updated - - - 375 usd bump bump I would buy the TSW Account, but my budget is limited to $100 cash and $100 worth of DVD movies (used, like new). Any interest?