WTS TSW Account With Templar Character 30% Ability wheel complect Assault Rifle 33.3% Blade 38.1% Shotgun 23.8% Elemental 21.4% Hammer 50% Deck Witch Hunter Complete Ql 10 green stuff And QL10 EPIC Blade Game time for 5 September 65$ .; IF INTERESTED, CONTACT ME mail, MSN [email protected] /* */ # Bump 40$ with 750k PAX + PAX on market 1-2kk 20$[email protected] /* */ Bump 33$ with 1,6+ mln Pax Last price Bump what server is this on? Grim BUMP Now Without Pax (only some item on auction) + 6 days Gametime It only 20$ Bump 20$