TSW ACC PREORDER COLLECTORS EDITION: Tier10.0 / Dragon Faction/ Cerberus Server

Discussion in 'The Secret World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I have two characters, one is a Dragon which is tier 10 with all elite dungeons cleared and quest for nightmare dungeons done. The character has some normal tier 10 purples and with some mixed in really good tier10 blues from the Elite dungeons. I have a good portion of skills unlocked, but mostly in the Claw/ Sword/ Chaos area. I have almost every single inner ring unlocked. The character is already max PVP rank since I did a ton of pvp on this character

    and the other is a lower Illuminati character which is in Egypt at the moment, tier 10 blue rifle, the rest are about tier 5-6 items. ( this character is specifically AssaultRifle/Elemental )

    Both characters are female; just adding this in there.

    This is a really good account; not the best.. but good enough.

    Few exclusive clothing like the Alienware Shirt/ SlaughterHouse Hoodie/ And I have a few pets which includes a cashshop pet ( Automatron ).

    Taking offers: add me to skype - darkshadow9081

    Taking money offers on paypal only or account trades like GW2/D3

    I would give more info/sceenshots but I no longer have the game installer.. and the game is like 30+GB so I don't really wanna install it again.

    here's a blurred out SS though to prove it's real.

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    BUMP~ Not looking for much, guys. $20

    hello i am intersted and will buy it for 20$ - sent you a pm
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