Selling Ts3 - Excellent Gaul Account

Discussion in 'Travian Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by laserbeam, 3/17/21.

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  1. laserbeam

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    Account info:
    *Village count - 5
    *Culture points per day - 1918
    *I already have half CP for a 6th village
    *Two of my villages can do Great Celebrations
    *1st village very high production rate. 2nd village maxed. 3rd and 4th almost maxed. 5th new village

    Spawn/1st village info:
    *second highest village population in the server currently
    *the following buildings are maxed
    - warehouse
    - granary
    - academy
    - embassy
    - main building
    - rally point
    - barracks
    - stable
    - workshop
    - palisade
    - marketplace
    - all field resources above 10
    - building resources are maxed
    *hero mansion lvl 15 (have two oasis captured)
    *town hall lvl 10 (can do great celebration 1900+ CP points)
    *smithy lvl 13. currently upgrading to lvl 20
    *2 available buildings slots (for tournament square and for whatever building you want)
    *has offensive troops for raiding but mostly has defensive troops
    *has 60 rams and 40 trebuchets
    *gold club activated

    ~entire account price: $50
    ~excellent account for support and defense anywhere on the map

    *Account is transferable because accounts can change the email and password of the account

    Contact me if you are interested. Thank you!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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