Selling Trusted Trader Selling CHEAP 4/7 5* Cards...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy and Sell, 10/2/14.

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  1. Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Trusted Trader Selling CHEAP 4/7 5* Cards Including TFO 4/7!!! Hi All! Need to sell my SWFC account FAST for some big boy expenses! PM me on here or on LINE: ricardusalpert Discounts for multiple cards purchased. Prices are fair, but still #. -Level: 86 -Skill Reset?: YES! -Still have a name change?: YES! -A Few Level 5 Vehicles including Millennium Falcon and Tie Advanced!!! -IN A TOP 50 LEGION! -All Planets and Map Quests Completed -Asking price for full account: $850!!!!! 5*s FOR SALE 4/7 Anakin The Fallen One skill 24 $210 4/7 Anakin The Fallen One skill 20 $205 4/7 Old Darth Vader x 2 $90 each or both for $160 6/11 Old Dooku (LOCKED TO ACCOUNT - would be $60) 4/7 Old Dooku $55 4/7 Aurra Sing x 2 $65 each or both for $115 Base Jango $28 Base Chewy HOK $15 SOLD!!! Base Han Solo (LOCKED TO ACCOUNT - would be $35) NOTABLE 4*s FOR SALE -4/7 Barriss x2 $24 each -4/7 Aurra Sniper skill 21 $35 -4/7 Aurra Sniper skill 7 $30 -4/7 Magna Guard skill 40 $40 SOLD!!!! -4/7 Clone Commander Cody DS skill 40 $40 -Base Supreme Chancellor Palpatine skill 1 $10 -4/7 Mace Windu $9 -4/7 Jango Fett x3 $14 each -8/15 Shadow Stormtrooper (Improper by 8 total points - Stats 10884/6337) $13 -PLUS MANY MORE 4* BASE AND EVO 4*s NOT LISTED like vulture droid, tarkin, Leia EC, Rieekan, Vader DS, Chewbacca, Han solo, ig-88B, agen kolar, zam, dooku, r2 Mech, Padme [BOT], ETC! NOTABLE 3*s FOR SALE -4/7 Mas Amedda skill 40 x 2 $40 each -4/7 Taun We skill 40 $35 SOLD!!! -4/7 2-1B x3 $20 each -4/7 Pit Droid [Mechanic] $18 -Base FX-6 [Healer] x3 $6 each -Base Mas Amedda x2 $9 each -PLUS MANY MORE Here's how trades will go (paypal only): 1) PM me for a purchase. I'll give you my PayPal email and my SWFC ID-No. 2) I’ll send the trade - so you can make sure that I have got the cards. 3) Go to PayPal. Select the tab "Send Money." 4) Enter my PayPal Email address. 5) Enter the amount for your purchase. 6) Select the option "I'm sending money to: Family or Friends." 7) Enter the comment: "I am sending for a virtual item. I understand that this transaction is non-refundable/non-returnable." 8) Message me when you have sent the money and then accept the trade request (just return some crap card). 9) I'll check my PayPal to confirm the payment. 10) I'll finally accept the trade after payment has been received. > All transactions will be payment first. > All payments through PayPal as a gift/personal payment (buyer pays for the fee). You must be PayPal verified. > All sales are final and are non-refundable > Payment must be made within 24 hours, otherwise the deal will be cancelled (exceptions can be made if I am made aware of a situation). > All payments must include the message: "I am sending [enter amount] for a virtual item. I understand that this transaction is non-refundable/non-returnable." - - - Updated - - - FORGOT TO POST! Base Old Maul $15
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    Yumi Wong-Pan

    Yumi Wong-Pan
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    Craig Wong-Pan
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    Karl Stringer

    Karl Stringer
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    Still available ?
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