Selling  Many Chars [TRUSTED SELLER] Notorious duelers | 40 Ice Overlord 40 Balance Warlord | God Pets | Cps and Emps

Discussion in 'Wizard101 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by John MLG, 9/13/18.

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  1. John MLG

    John MLG
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    A very well worked and renowned account.

    The cost of the account is 80 USD.
    Additional 60 USD for the 60,000 untouched crowns which come with the account so you can buy membership or buy crown items and direct the account in any direction you want and play accordingly.

    The ice on the account was #1 the entire 3rd age on ranked pvp boards and it is quite popular.

    Areas have been bought.
    Entire Wiz city
    Half grizzleheim. Including Savarstaad Pass and Vestrilund (both are well known areas for farming couch potatoes and gold).
    Loremaster area in ds.
    And more important areas.

    Both the characters have top notch stats.
    God pets.
    4-5 Pages of mounts.
    Both have all the lorespells for their schools.
    Got rare drop wands and fished plenty. Stitched to Iron Hasta.
    Cps and Emps stacked farm in red barn.
    Both are grandmaster artisan.
    All stitched gears possible with the school patterned gear is stitched. Extra set of commander gear on both the characters.
    Got 1 low level pvp warlord as well.
    2 low levels which I use as a medium of storing treasure cards for pvp and all the premium tcs like elucidate, etc. Each is filled up above 950 tcs.
    Collected many rare badges.
    Got well decorated castles.

    To buy the account, immediately contact on [email protected]

    Expect a fast reply.
    I accept PayPal.

    I sell other game's accounts as well as Wizard101s. Contact me for any information regarding the account or if you have any queries. Email is [email protected]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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