Sold Trove acc 29,3k PR Chloromancer 38lv perfect gems(1 is hp, rest full dmg) 250 total MR,6 dragons

Discussion in 'Trove Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Trove Account: Cheap & Safe' started by Landrynn, 7/30/22.

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  1. Landrynn

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    My Location:
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    29,300 Power Rank Chloromancer 38lvl
    - Power Rank Dracolyte 30lvl
    and others 20 lvl etc
    his is full delve acc and I don't think there is much to say about dragons or something

    ~~Mastery rank
    Trove- 208
    Geode- 42
    Total- 250

    76 Mounts
    3 Fledling Dragons
    2 Adult Dragons
    6 Legendary Dragons
    0 Primordial Dragons
    0 Diamond Dragonite Egg

    Account have Tomb Raiser, Gunslinger, Chloromancer, Dracolyte, Boomeranger, Candy barbarian, Knight.

    ~~Gem Dust
    71,572 Water Gem Dust
    122,795 Fire Gem Dust
    30,592 Air Gem Dust
    22,565 Cosmic Gem Dust
    1 Primal gem shard,
    2 cosmic gem spark,
    22 binding of darkness
    Whole gems are giving 21534 PR and only 1 is crystal 28 lvl rest are stellar 25. Arcane emblem and chronomantic

    Account have Crystals WEAPONS and Rings
    Chloromancer, C4 STUFF, C4 HAT, C3 FACE, C3 RING
    ring C3 MD LIGHT MF, stuff is MD LIGHT CD MF MS, hat is MH LIGHT MS MF AS and face is MH LIGHT AS MD CD

    8 costumes for Chloro WITH costumes for LVL
    Crescent Chloromancer
    Grandmaster Gardener
    Spiteful Spikelayer
    Plaguepurge Pollinator
    Level 10
    Level 20
    Level 30

    it have in eq mount for like 400-500k, steed feed for 400k now but it can rise up, and other gears etc so whole acc is like 1,1kk+ if good sold.

    ~~For Contact
    Discord- Michałek#4567
    E-mail- [email protected]
    AND IM ONLY SELLING IF YOURE SENDING THE MONEY FIRST, i nearly got scammed last time so i dont need it to again happen, if you dont want to send first then just skip, if you need i can send you to guy that bought from me acc like 1,5 year ago and he will confirm with screen shots from paypal IF YOU WANT ANY MORE INFO dm me Michałek#4567 DISCORD ILL SEND ALL SCREENSHOTS THERE.
    #1 Landrynn, 7/30/22
    Last edited: 7/30/22
  2. Tristen R

    Tristen R
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    I can buy it right now, you online?
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