Selling Troughout the characters you have pretty much...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/1/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Troughout the characters you have pretty much every proffession ( or w/e it was called) The account obviously has the expansion pack I haven't played the game in several months Feel free to PM with questions and offers. Starting price is 300$ CAD Later!" "RR90 SW on Gorfang! ""I have a RR90 SW on Gorfang server. The toon has Full Sov" Currently specd out festerbomb spec 6 piece sov Toon currently sits at exactly 1300ballistic skill. 1 more point and it would be softcapped. 200 Salvaging Currently working on sc weapons Has the royal mount and accesories. This toon packs a punch. 5k festering arrow "WTS rr81 wp Karak norn ""Progression and personality packs active" rr 81 WP on Karak Norn Full healing sov 5/8 dps sov Full glyph set (including cloak) Colossus book (for mad crit) Warlord weapon (around 70 more insignias for royal) 2 doomflayer 1 warpforged various pieces of rr 83 Bank full of goodies account is active to early march Accepting paypal only as it is safest" "Wts rr87 we ka eu ""Main toon:" WE rr86 Account EU Flagged Armor: Warpforged: 2/5 Doomflayer: 3/5 Sov: 16/16 Glyphs 5/5 other sets full Weapons: all possible weapons you get imagine for a WE SC weapons: 2xrr75 Pockets: Crook of Radiance Funerary shroud of Settra Very rare visuals (full dress Very rare and unobtainable event items (herald cloack GOLD: 24 Lots of crests and medals (can send counts for serious buyer) 6 funerary masks Alot of materials for crafting incl: 120 200 containers Just alot of stuff that the oldschool account should have. Both packs I'm legit 2nd owner with all security info." "Wts sm/engi 84/80 eu kn high-end ""[US/EU Flagged] EU Flagged" [SERVER] Karak Norn [CAREER] Sword Master Female [RR] 83.57 [WARPFORGE] [OFF/DEF] 3p deff (helm [DOOMFLAYER] [OFF/DEF] 2p deff (helm [SOVEREIGN] [OFF/DEF] 8/8 [TYRANT] 5/6 [GLYPHS] 5/5 [SC WEAPONS] [RRs] [OFF/DEF] rr81 tank 1h [OTHER WEAPONS] rr83 GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
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