Selling  1-24 Hours Trophy Boosting - 0 to 6000 trophies

Discussion in 'Clash Royale Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ClashRoayle, 11/19/19.

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  1. ClashRoayle

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    Hi I'm a clash royale player. I'm at 6100 trophies. My personal best is 6500 trophies. You can check my profile if you want , this is my tag:

    I can help you climb ladder.

    From 0 to 4000 trophies: 2$/100 trophies
    From 4000 to 5000 trophies: 3.5$/100 trophies
    From 5000 to 6000 trophies: 5$/100 trophies

    For login I need supercell id and code.

    In order to buy Clash Royale Trophy boost, you must match these deck requirements:
    • 0-2000 None.
    • 2000-2500 King Tower Level at least 6. Rare cards at least level 7. Common cards at least level 7.
    • 2500-3000 King Tower Level at least 9. Rare cards at least level 8. Common cards at least level 9 Epic cards at least level 3.
    • 3000-3500 King Tower Level at least 9. Rare cards at least level 9. Common cards at least level 9. Epic cards at least level 3.
    • 3500-3800 King Tower Level at least 10. Rare cards at least level 9. Common cards at least level 9. Epic cards at least level 9.
    • 3800-4300 King Tower Level at least 10. Rare cards at least level 10. Common cards at least level 11. Epic cards at least level 10.
    • 4300-4600 King Tower Level at least 11. Rare cards at least level 11. Common cards at least level 12. Epic cards at least level 10.
    • 4600-5000 King Tower Level at least 12. Rare cards at least level 11. Common cards at least level 13. Epic cards at least level 11. Legendary cards at least level 10.
    • 5000-5300 King Tower Level at least 13. Rare cards at least level 12. (Furnace and Hog Rider cards at least level 13) Common cards at least level 13. Epic cards at least level 12. Legendary cards at least level 11.
    • 5500+ King Tower Level at least 13. Rare cards at least level 13. Common cards at least level 13. Epic cards at least level 13. Legendary cards at least level 12.

    I will do my best to complete the job as fast as I can.

    You can send me details and negotiate the price with me on:
    Whatsapp: +216 29 310 798
    Discord: Ta5ra Fih#9855
    #1 ClashRoayle, 11/19/19
    Last edited: 11/19/19
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