Server: Tranquility Level: 83 Race: Caldari Class: Capital Pilot Gender: Female Additional Information: View Characters Skills Main Characters Skill Points Group: Main Characters Total Skill Points: 83,700,000+ Main Characters Total Number Of Skills: 234 Charisma: 21 Intelligence: 24 Memory: 24 Perception: 25 Willpower: 25 List All Character Implants: +4 Implants List All Character Skills: Estimated Sellable Assets To ISK: 20,000,000,000+ Wallet Status: Positive Security Status: Positive (5.10+) All Ships (Describe): orca, nighthawk, other tech 2, battle cruisers, cruisers, battle ships, tenngu All Assets (Describe): faction mods on some ships, tech 2 items thousands of other mods How many additional characters are on your account?: Alternative Characters Race: Caldari with 1 Million SP Alternative Characters Skill Points: Alternative Characters Attributes: List Skills, Specs, and Implants: Alternative Characters Race: Alternative Characters Skill Points: Alternative Characters Attributes: List Skills, Specs, and Implants: PayPal Email: [email protected] Amount: 302