1. /u/Straight-Lunch-2813

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Trading this wuwa acc!!

    Server: Asia Union lvl: 40 SolPhase: 4


    5★ Carlotta Jinhsi Jianxing Encore Verina Lingyang

    4★ Taoqi Youhu Danjin Mortefi Sanhua Aalto Yuanwu Baizhi Yangyang Chixia

    Exploration not 100 percent complete but halfway there

    Plz DM if interested, or if have any questions!! Need gone ASAP!! Mostly LF: Any acc with Shorekeeper (MUST!!)

    # #/Straight-Lunch-2813
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.